Manual credit card validator
Manual credit card validator

If the result of any doubling is a 2-digit number, treat them as individual digits for step 2. Working from the right, double every other number.

manual credit card validator

Use the following method to determine if an account number is Mod-10 compliant: The algorithm detects all single digit errors in an account number, as well as most transpositions of adjacent numbers. The Luhn Mod-10 algorithm was invented in 1954 by IBM scientist Hans Peter Luhn and is a relatively simple formula used in numerous applications to validate identification numbers, including credit cards. Luhn Mod-10 Algorithm for Card Number Validation: Includes ranges for China UnionPay, JCB, and Diners Club International supported by Discover in the US. Submit account numbers starting with 54 and 55 as Mastercard. Submit account numbers starting with 36 as Discover. You should verify the information using additional sources prior to using it to create or alter any of your business systems, processes, or procedures. The data presented here is for informational proposes only and is subject to change by the Credit Card Associations/Companies.

manual credit card validator

Table B-1 provides information on number formats for various credit card types. The second part provides information about the Luhn Mod-10 algorithm used to validate account numbers.

manual credit card validator

The first provides basic information about card numbers, such as length, prefixes, and validation numbers.

Manual credit card validator